Khuluma offers counselling in a confidential and trusting environment where the person can freely talk about their problems and feelings.
Khuluma has professional counsellors to facilitate the broadening of people’s view on their life, enlarges the coping resources and skills as well as enabling the person to make choices for change in themselves, the situation and their environment. The counsellee learns to manage his or her situation effectively.
Counselling normally deals with normal issues that come with growth and changes such as emotional crisis:
Trauma, Abuse, Violence, Relationships, Youth related issues, Financial issues, Loneliness, Illness and Feelings of Betrayal, Anger, Rejection, Disappointment, Intentions of suicide and everyday stresses.
A lot of people experience a traumatic event in their life by either witnessing or being actually involved or threatened by death or a serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others. In situations like these the person experiences intense fear, helplessness or horror. It helps people who experienced a traumatic event to go for counselling that they can process through that event. It can also be a group of people who witnessed a traumatic event such as an armed robbery at the business.
If you wish to resolve something which is troubling you or you may be undergoing some kind of emotional crisis or trauma it may simply be that you wish to enhance your emotional well-being. During the first counselling session we will endeavour to identify your main concerns and hopes. By exploring and working through your difficulties you may begin to have a clearer understanding of them. These new insights may enable you to consider ways of making changes and may place you in a position to learn new methods or tools for coping in the long term. It is a one on one discussion between the counsellor and the counsellee based on each clients needs.
Our counsellors provide a safe space where the family can openly express their feelings and immediate concerns about the near future, enabling them to begin to understand how to deal with certain situations or overcome past traumatic experiences. These situations maya result of a breakdown in communication or because of conflict or a change in financial position. It may be that your relationships with siblings or even between parents and child are encountering a rough patch or that you as a parent would like to consider how it could work better. Family counselling usually entails seeing the whole family together for a series of counselling sessions.
Helps couples or established partners to identify, manage and resolve conflict, troublesome differences, inadequate patterns or problem situations that place stress upon their relationship. Two people attend the counselling session together. People in relationships seek counseling for any number of reasons, from power struggles and communication problems to sexual dissatisfaction and infidelity. Though counseling is recommended as soon as discontent arises in a relationship, studies show partners will not seek therapy until they have been unhappy for an average of six years. And yet, the more time has passed, the more difficult it may be to repair the relationship. In some cases, a couple who has already decided to separate may pursue therapy in order to end the relationship amicably and respectfully.
A number of people who face the same or very similar issues who work together, meet regularly to talk, interact and discuss problems with the counsellor to find solutions, share experiences and contributions for the same concerns. Group counselling can be helpful if you want to discuss your issues openly and safely with people who are going through similar situations. A support group is often the outcome of this type of counselling where group members support each other during the times when they see a counsellor or after the counselling ended. Group counselling can offer a unique environment in which to learn about and experience both self and others.
Contact us today to book your counselling session or to ask for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or give us a call: 012 660 3532